2 ways to blast darts with nerf elite 2.0 motorblitz blaster. Choose your mode. Blast 6 darts at once with air pressurized airblitz action or unleash 10 darts in a row with fully motorized blasting.
Airblitz action. Blast with air pressurized power to unleash 6 darts at once. Pump the handle to air pressurize the blaster and press the airblitz button to launch a 6 dart storm.
Motorized blasting. Launch 10 darts in a row with fully motorized blasting. Power up the motor with the acceleration button and pull the trigger to blast each dart.
10 dart clip and 22 nerf elite darts. Includes a 10 dart clip for the fully motorized blaster mode; and 22 nerf elite foam darts to fully load both blaster modes and additional darts for quick reloads.
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